GRSA Backstory:
2007 State of GA Workshop – Morehouse College
Prior to GRSA being founded as an “official” tax exempt organization in 2010, there was a desire by many in the state to come together and meet people who do what we do and to share ideas and best practices. State workshops happened in Georgia, but not always on a yearly basis in the way we know them now. Often just the staff members who did Intramurals and Sport Clubs would know eachother due to the interaction they would have with planning and participating in extramural tournaments. So if you worked in the other areas of campusrecreation, you often did not know your counterpart or have a formal forum tomeet them on a state level. Another challenge was that some schools would noteven have an opportunity to travel to a larger regional or national conference for NIRSA due to travel and budget limitations on their campuses. So there was a need to provide this networking opportunity on a state level.
In 2007, we brought the state workshop back and it was hosted by Morehouse College. The workshop theme was “A New Beginning.” Our hosts were Irvin Seabrook and Perry Culverson and the rest of the Morehouse Staff. We had a total of 63 people in attendance and 17 different schools represented.
• 2008 State of GA Workshop– Morehouse College Went back to Morehouse College again in 2008. There was 42 people in attendance and 12 different schools represented.
At this workshop, our hosts were once again Irvin Seabrook and Perry Culverson and the rest of the Morehouse staff. At this conference we continued to build onwhat we re-started in in 2007. We also made a point to continue to try to reach out to the HBCU campuses in our state and area to keep them aware of NIRSA and our history.
2007 State of GA Workshop – Morehouse College
Prior to GRSA being founded as an “official” tax exempt organization in 2010, there was a desire by many in the state to come together and meet people who do what we do and to share ideas and best practices. State workshops happened in Georgia, but not always on a yearly basis in the way we know them now. Often just the staff members who did Intramurals and Sport Clubs would know eachother due to the interaction they would have with planning and participating in extramural tournaments. So if you worked in the other areas of campusrecreation, you often did not know your counterpart or have a formal forum tomeet them on a state level. Another challenge was that some schools would noteven have an opportunity to travel to a larger regional or national conference for NIRSA due to travel and budget limitations on their campuses. So there was a need to provide this networking opportunity on a state level.
In 2007, we brought the state workshop back and it was hosted by Morehouse College. The workshop theme was “A New Beginning.” Our hosts were Irvin Seabrook and Perry Culverson and the rest of the Morehouse Staff. We had a total of 63 people in attendance and 17 different schools represented.
• 2008 State of GA Workshop– Morehouse College Went back to Morehouse College again in 2008. There was 42 people in attendance and 12 different schools represented.
At this workshop, our hosts were once again Irvin Seabrook and Perry Culverson and the rest of the Morehouse staff. At this conference we continued to build onwhat we re-started in in 2007. We also made a point to continue to try to reach out to the HBCU campuses in our state and area to keep them aware of NIRSA and our history.
GRSA History Timeline:
2009 State of GA Workshop – Unclear records of workshop host location
2010 State of GA Workshop-Georgia Southern University
o The theme of this workshop was “A Perfect 10”
o There were 73 people in attendance.
2010-Georgia Recreational Sports Association founded
GRSA Executive Board
▪ Director-Kacy Toberg-Georgia State University
▪ Director-Elect-Andy Hudgins-Georgia State University
▪ Secretary-Nick Froelich-Emory University
▪ Treasurer-Tara Parker-Kennesaw State University
2011 - 2012
2011-GRSA Workshop
● West Georgia University
2011-2012 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Andy Hudgins-Georgia State University- Director
▪ Director Elect-Lashica Thomas – Columbus State
▪ Secretary-Rodney Pegues – Georgia Perimeter College
▪ Tara Parker-Kennesaw State University-Treasurer
▪ Student Leader – Ryan Wingers – Georgia Southern University
2012 - 2013
2012-GRSA Workshop
● Clayton State University
2012-2013 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director – Lashica Thomas - Columbus State
▪ Director Elect – Gabby Marquez- Georgia Southern
▪ Secretary- Rodney Pegues- Georgia Perimeter College
▪ Treasurer- Brandon Marshall-Clayton State
▪ Student Leader-No records
2013 - 2014
2013-GRSA Workshop
● Mercer University
2013-2014 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Gabby Marquez- Georgia Southern
▪ Director Elect- Rodney Pegues-Georgia Perimeter
College/Timber Hines- Emory University
▪ Secretary- Lisa Williamson- Clayton State University
▪ Treasurer- Brandon Marshall- Clayton State University
▪ Student Leader- Tyler Burroughs, Georgia Southern
2014 - 2015
2014-GRSA Workshop
● Columbus State University
2014-2015 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Rodney Pegues-Georgia Perimeter College
▪ Director Elect- Timber Hines- Emory University
▪ Secretary- Lisa Williamson- Clayton State University/University
of Georgia
▪ Treasurer- Derek Leonard- University of North Georgia
▪ Media Coordinator- Andrew Smith- College of Coastal Georgia
▪ Student Leader- Brandon Miller- University of Georgia
2015 - 2016
2015-GRSA Workshop
● Georgia College & State University
2015-2016 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Timber Hines- Emory University
▪ Director Elect- Caroline Dotts- Georgia State University
▪ Secretary- Lisa Williamson- University of Georgia
▪ Treasurer- Derek Leonard- University of North Georgia
▪ Media Coordinator- Andrew Smith- College of Coastal Georgia
▪ Student Leader- April Pavelka- University of Georgia
2016 - 2017
2016-GRSA Workshop
● Region II Conference hosted in Atlanta, GA; co-hosted by Emory University,
Georgia State University, Kennesaw State University, & University of West
Georgia served in place of annual state workshop
2016-2017 Georgia Recreational Sports Association (Board positions froze) Executive Board
▪ Director- Timber Hines- Emory University
▪ Director Elect- Caroline Dotts- Georgia State University
▪ Secretary- Lisa Williamson- University of Georgia
▪ Treasurer- Derek Leonard- University of North Georgia
▪ Media Coordinator- Andrew Smith- College of Coastal Georgia
▪ Student Leader- April Pavelka- University of Georgia
2017 - 2018
2017-GRSA Workshop
● University of Georgia (postponed to February, 2018 due to a hurricane)
2017-2018 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Caroline Dotts- Georgia Tech
▪ Director Elect- Lisa Williamson- University of Georgia
▪ Secretary- Ty Verdin-Georgia State University
▪ Treasurer- Derek Leonard- University of North Georgia
▪ Media Coordinator- Jennifer Pecoraro, University of West
▪ Student Leader-Chris Toliver, Georgia Southern
2018 - 2019
2018-GRSA Workshop
● Valdosta State University
2018-2019 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Lisa Williamson- University of Georgia
▪ Director Elect- Derek Leonard- University of North Georgia
▪ Secretary- Ty Verdin-Kennesaw State University
▪ Treasurer- Courtney Brown-University of Georgia
▪ Media Coordinator- Jennifer Pecoraro, University of West
▪ Student Leader-Montrell Cade, Georgia Southern
2019 - 2020
2019-GRSA Workshop
● Kennesaw State University
2019-2020 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Derek Leonard- University of North Georgia
▪ Director Elect- Ty Verdin- Kennesaw State University
▪ Secretary-Spenser Emerson- Clayton State University
▪ Treasurer- Courtney Brown- University of Georgia
▪ Media Coordinator- Chelsea Holcombe- University of West
▪ Student Leader-Derick Hurst- Georgia Southern
2020 - 2021
2020-GRSA Workshop
● Cancelled due to COVID-19; hosted virtual educational sessions in July,
September, & November
2020-2021 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Ty Verdin-Kennesaw State University
▪ Director Elect- Courtney Brown-University of Georgia
▪ Secretary-Spenser Emerson-Clayton State University
▪ Treasurer- Courtney Brown- University of Georgia
▪ Media Coordinator- Chelsea Holcombe- University of West
▪ Student Leader-Kaitlyn Kubler- Georgia Southern
2021 - 2022
2021-GRSA Workshop
● University of West Georgia (Cancelled)
2021-2022 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Courtney Brown- University of Georgia
▪ Secretary-Spenser Emerson- Clayton State University
▪ Treasurer- Michael Gurley- Georgia Gwinnett College
▪ Media Coordinator- Chelsea Holcombe- University of West
Georgia & Bobby Zaidan- Georgia State University
▪ Student Leader- Matt Mendoza- University of West Georgia
2022 - 2023
2022-GRSA Workshop
● Georgia Southern University- Armstrong Campus
2022-2023 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Stephanie Calhoun- University of Georgia
▪ Past Director- Courtney Brown- University of Georgia
▪ Secretary-Talyn Sands- Georgia State University
▪ Treasurer- Michael Gurley- Georgia Gwinnett College
▪ Media Coordinator- Leigh Johnson- Georgia Southern University- Armstrong
▪ Student Leader- Jeannie Rodriguez- Georgia State University
2023 - 2024
Region II Conference Hosted in Atlanta
2023-2024 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Alyssa O'Keefe- Emory University
▪ Past Director- Stephanie Calhoun- University of Georgia
▪ Secretary-Talyn Sands- Georgia State University
▪ Treasurer- Samantha O'Brien- Emory University
▪ Media Coordinator- Leigh Johnson- Georgia Southern University- Armstrong
▪ Student Leader- Caroline Caplinger- University of Georgia
2024 - 2025
2024 GRSA Workshop
● University of North Georgia
2023-2024 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Madeline Ahles - Georgia State University
▪ Past Director- Alyssa O'Keefe- Emory University
▪ Secretary-Jamie Ives - Savannah College of Art and Design
▪ Treasurer- Samantha O'Brien- Emory University
▪ Media Coordinator- Brenna Wortham - Kennesaw State University
▪ Student Leader- Dana Kiger- University of Georgia
2009 State of GA Workshop – Unclear records of workshop host location
2010 State of GA Workshop-Georgia Southern University
o The theme of this workshop was “A Perfect 10”
o There were 73 people in attendance.
2010-Georgia Recreational Sports Association founded
GRSA Executive Board
▪ Director-Kacy Toberg-Georgia State University
▪ Director-Elect-Andy Hudgins-Georgia State University
▪ Secretary-Nick Froelich-Emory University
▪ Treasurer-Tara Parker-Kennesaw State University
2011 - 2012
2011-GRSA Workshop
● West Georgia University
2011-2012 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Andy Hudgins-Georgia State University- Director
▪ Director Elect-Lashica Thomas – Columbus State
▪ Secretary-Rodney Pegues – Georgia Perimeter College
▪ Tara Parker-Kennesaw State University-Treasurer
▪ Student Leader – Ryan Wingers – Georgia Southern University
2012 - 2013
2012-GRSA Workshop
● Clayton State University
2012-2013 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director – Lashica Thomas - Columbus State
▪ Director Elect – Gabby Marquez- Georgia Southern
▪ Secretary- Rodney Pegues- Georgia Perimeter College
▪ Treasurer- Brandon Marshall-Clayton State
▪ Student Leader-No records
2013 - 2014
2013-GRSA Workshop
● Mercer University
2013-2014 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Gabby Marquez- Georgia Southern
▪ Director Elect- Rodney Pegues-Georgia Perimeter
College/Timber Hines- Emory University
▪ Secretary- Lisa Williamson- Clayton State University
▪ Treasurer- Brandon Marshall- Clayton State University
▪ Student Leader- Tyler Burroughs, Georgia Southern
2014 - 2015
2014-GRSA Workshop
● Columbus State University
2014-2015 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Rodney Pegues-Georgia Perimeter College
▪ Director Elect- Timber Hines- Emory University
▪ Secretary- Lisa Williamson- Clayton State University/University
of Georgia
▪ Treasurer- Derek Leonard- University of North Georgia
▪ Media Coordinator- Andrew Smith- College of Coastal Georgia
▪ Student Leader- Brandon Miller- University of Georgia
2015 - 2016
2015-GRSA Workshop
● Georgia College & State University
2015-2016 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Timber Hines- Emory University
▪ Director Elect- Caroline Dotts- Georgia State University
▪ Secretary- Lisa Williamson- University of Georgia
▪ Treasurer- Derek Leonard- University of North Georgia
▪ Media Coordinator- Andrew Smith- College of Coastal Georgia
▪ Student Leader- April Pavelka- University of Georgia
2016 - 2017
2016-GRSA Workshop
● Region II Conference hosted in Atlanta, GA; co-hosted by Emory University,
Georgia State University, Kennesaw State University, & University of West
Georgia served in place of annual state workshop
2016-2017 Georgia Recreational Sports Association (Board positions froze) Executive Board
▪ Director- Timber Hines- Emory University
▪ Director Elect- Caroline Dotts- Georgia State University
▪ Secretary- Lisa Williamson- University of Georgia
▪ Treasurer- Derek Leonard- University of North Georgia
▪ Media Coordinator- Andrew Smith- College of Coastal Georgia
▪ Student Leader- April Pavelka- University of Georgia
2017 - 2018
2017-GRSA Workshop
● University of Georgia (postponed to February, 2018 due to a hurricane)
2017-2018 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Caroline Dotts- Georgia Tech
▪ Director Elect- Lisa Williamson- University of Georgia
▪ Secretary- Ty Verdin-Georgia State University
▪ Treasurer- Derek Leonard- University of North Georgia
▪ Media Coordinator- Jennifer Pecoraro, University of West
▪ Student Leader-Chris Toliver, Georgia Southern
2018 - 2019
2018-GRSA Workshop
● Valdosta State University
2018-2019 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Lisa Williamson- University of Georgia
▪ Director Elect- Derek Leonard- University of North Georgia
▪ Secretary- Ty Verdin-Kennesaw State University
▪ Treasurer- Courtney Brown-University of Georgia
▪ Media Coordinator- Jennifer Pecoraro, University of West
▪ Student Leader-Montrell Cade, Georgia Southern
2019 - 2020
2019-GRSA Workshop
● Kennesaw State University
2019-2020 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Derek Leonard- University of North Georgia
▪ Director Elect- Ty Verdin- Kennesaw State University
▪ Secretary-Spenser Emerson- Clayton State University
▪ Treasurer- Courtney Brown- University of Georgia
▪ Media Coordinator- Chelsea Holcombe- University of West
▪ Student Leader-Derick Hurst- Georgia Southern
2020 - 2021
2020-GRSA Workshop
● Cancelled due to COVID-19; hosted virtual educational sessions in July,
September, & November
2020-2021 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Ty Verdin-Kennesaw State University
▪ Director Elect- Courtney Brown-University of Georgia
▪ Secretary-Spenser Emerson-Clayton State University
▪ Treasurer- Courtney Brown- University of Georgia
▪ Media Coordinator- Chelsea Holcombe- University of West
▪ Student Leader-Kaitlyn Kubler- Georgia Southern
2021 - 2022
2021-GRSA Workshop
● University of West Georgia (Cancelled)
2021-2022 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Courtney Brown- University of Georgia
▪ Secretary-Spenser Emerson- Clayton State University
▪ Treasurer- Michael Gurley- Georgia Gwinnett College
▪ Media Coordinator- Chelsea Holcombe- University of West
Georgia & Bobby Zaidan- Georgia State University
▪ Student Leader- Matt Mendoza- University of West Georgia
2022 - 2023
2022-GRSA Workshop
● Georgia Southern University- Armstrong Campus
2022-2023 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Stephanie Calhoun- University of Georgia
▪ Past Director- Courtney Brown- University of Georgia
▪ Secretary-Talyn Sands- Georgia State University
▪ Treasurer- Michael Gurley- Georgia Gwinnett College
▪ Media Coordinator- Leigh Johnson- Georgia Southern University- Armstrong
▪ Student Leader- Jeannie Rodriguez- Georgia State University
2023 - 2024
Region II Conference Hosted in Atlanta
2023-2024 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Alyssa O'Keefe- Emory University
▪ Past Director- Stephanie Calhoun- University of Georgia
▪ Secretary-Talyn Sands- Georgia State University
▪ Treasurer- Samantha O'Brien- Emory University
▪ Media Coordinator- Leigh Johnson- Georgia Southern University- Armstrong
▪ Student Leader- Caroline Caplinger- University of Georgia
2024 - 2025
2024 GRSA Workshop
● University of North Georgia
2023-2024 Georgia Recreational Sports Association Executive Board
▪ Director- Madeline Ahles - Georgia State University
▪ Past Director- Alyssa O'Keefe- Emory University
▪ Secretary-Jamie Ives - Savannah College of Art and Design
▪ Treasurer- Samantha O'Brien- Emory University
▪ Media Coordinator- Brenna Wortham - Kennesaw State University
▪ Student Leader- Dana Kiger- University of Georgia
GRSA Members! If you have a campus recreation related state/regional event, position announcement, etc. you would like to be added to the calendar or shared to our GRSA listserv, please e-mail [email protected] with additional information.